In the News

Sen. Warner makes his way across the Southside just days before election

Warner made his way around the Southside on Wednesday, including a stop in Danville at Bibleway Cathedral to meet with African American voters and city leaders.

U.S. Senator Mark Warner visited Danville on Wednesday afternoon and held a community conversation with Danville citizens.

Inside Bibleway Cathedral, Warner spoke about what he’s done and what he hopes to do in the Senate relating to COVID response, providing funds to minority owned banks and Community Development Financial Institutions and more. 

Next Post | Oct 28, 2020

Sen. Warner makes his way across the Southside just days before election

Even in 2020, internet accessibility and affordability are a luxury for some. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, politicians are now focused on bridging that gap.

Sen. Mark Warner was in South Boston Wednesday talking with a company responsible for connecting hundreds of thousands to the internet in Southside and beyond.

Next Post | Oct 28, 2020

Sen. Mark Warner visits Danville

Mark Warner is no stranger to Virginia voters. He’s a businessman turned governor, turned U.S. senator. It’s that familiarity he’s hoping will earn him a third term in the Senate.

“I think that record of getting things done is what I hope people will evaluate me on. Are there things we can do better? Absolutely,” Warner said.

Next Post | Oct 28, 2020

Sen. Mark Warner vows to continue expanding broadband in Southwest Virginia

Mark Warner, the democratic incumbent senator, visited the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Democratic Headquarters on Tuesday afternoon to host a campaign rally.

Next Post | Oct 28, 2020

Democrat Mark Warner seeks third term in U.S. Senate

Virginia Senator Mark Warner thanked voting volunteers today in Harrisonburg for getting out the vote throughout the commonwealth. He also took some time to discuss his policy and the importance of voting.

He voiced his support for the Affordable Care Act, said broadband internet is an economic necessity and expanded his points to the national election.

Next Post | Oct 28, 2020

Candidates for US Senate visit Harrisonburg preceding the election

Virginia’s United States senators are often accused of not caring about their constituents in Southwest Virginia. In the case of Senator Mark Warner, this is simply not true. In 2017, 70,000 Virginians, including myself, were faced with the nightmare scenario of having no insurance companies participating in the ACA’s marketplace. In a panic, I contacted Mark Warner’s local office. They were sincerely concerned and I even received a personal call from one of his staff members when Anthem re-entered the marketplace. Senator Warner has also introduced legislation to increase care for diabetes, reduce prescription costs for low-income children, and address the veteran suicide crisis. Senator Warner is genuinely fighting for all Virginians.

Next Post | Oct 27, 2020

Senator Mark Warner thanks voting volunteers

Virginia’s U.S Senate race between Republican Daniel Gade and Democratic Senator Mark Warner is a closely watched race the year. 

Warner says there are key differences between him and his opponent. 

“I’m very proud of working with the Treasury Secretary and others to make the first CARES package. Over $2 trillion and I really think it kept a lot of small businesses alive. It helped people who were unemployed, it helped our hospitals,” he said.

Next Post | Oct 24, 2020

Letter: Vote for Mark Warner and Joe Biden

Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner both said they will vote against Coney Barrett’s nomination for the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat. A Senate vote will likely take place next week.

Both Kaine and Warner said they’re opposed to the vote happening so close to the November election, especially when Republican senators refused to consider Judge Merrick Garland for the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat in 2016.

Next Post | Oct 22, 2020

Know Your Ballot: Senator Mark Warner

Sen. Warner’s many accomplishments are in health care, service to military families and strengthening our economy during the current recession. He was a leader in addressing our massive economic problems in the aftermath of COVID-19. These stimulus bills were written to serve individuals, small businesses, large businesses, hospitals and public health, federal safety nets, local governments and public education. 

Next Post | Oct 21, 2020

'Political theater’: Virginia Senators Kaine, Warner condemn upcoming Supreme Court vote

U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) is joining Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Chris Murphy (D-CT) and 13 of their Senate colleagues in requesting that the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of the Treasury conduct an analysis of how repealing ACA would affect health care coverage in the United States.

Next Post | Oct 21, 2020

LETTER: Re-elect U.S. Sen. Mark Warner

Legislation that will expand veteran access to mental health services is aimed at reducing the alarming rate of veteran suicide.

The bipartisan Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act includes a number of provisions authored by Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) to empower the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide resources to and share information with veteran-serving non-profits, as well as to require it to develop a measurement tool to assess the effectiveness of mental health programs.

The legislation passed through the Senate in August and was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives late last month.

Next Post | Oct 20, 2020

Warner pushing administration on potential impact of ACA cuts